
marți, 27 noiembrie 2012

UNGRIP / Scăpat din gheare (RO)

"Libertatea, deci, înseamna suveranitatea individuala si nici un om nu poate cunoaste libertatea, pâna când fiecarui individ nu i se recunoate dreptul de a fi unicul suveran legitim asupra propriei persoane, asupra timpului si proprietatii sale, fiecare om traind si actionând pe propria sa raspundere."
Josiah Warren 

Paradise or Oblivion / Paradis sau Uitare

Un documentar , creat de Proiectul Venus. Acest documentar scoate la iveala simptomele negative cauzate de sistemul nostru actual.Aceasta prezentare video pledeaza pentru un nou sistem socio-economic, care este actualizat pâna în prezent la nivelul de cunostiinte pe care le detinem,  oferind munca de o viata a inginerului social, futurist, inventator Jacque Fresco, pe care el il numeste o economie bazat?? pe resurse.
Paradis sau Uitare, prin Proiectul Venus, introduce privitorul într-un sistem de valori mult mai adecvat, care ar fi necesar  pentru a permite omenirii sa se dezvolte armonios. Aceasta alternativa depaseste nevoia unui mediu monetar bazat pe control si orientat spre deficit in care ne aflam în prezent.

Sal Rachele despre anul 2012 (subtitrat în limba română)

O prezentare argumentată științific a schimbărilor ce au loc pe Pământ și în sistemul nostru solar în anul 2012, precum și în perioada de vârf a Saltului Galactic (2015-2035).

luni, 26 noiembrie 2012

Numerologia & Geometria Sacra: Limbajul Universal al Vibratiei

Am gasit mai demult acest site cu mandale: Este extraordinar ce poate face aceasta femeie Rosalind Pape! 

Am ramas absolut fascinata, dorind sa pot sa fac si eu asa ceva candva sau macar sa pot sa obtin una pentru mine chiar din alta tara. Ca urmare, am trimis un mail in care am cerut o lista de preturi incluzand transportul in Romania desigur. Mi s-a raspuns foarte repede si binevoitor...

Hi Aniela,
Thanks for your email!
Here’s the info and price list, YES I deliver anywhere in the world, and the transport/postage costs are INCLUDED in the prices listed below:

A personal mandala synthesizes Numerology and Sacred Geometry, articulating
your unique vibratory blueprint and aligning you with the pure essence
frequencies of your potential. Just having it around your living space so
that it catches your eye will keep you attuned to your blueprint and focus.
The more you look at your mandala, the more you will notice how different
layers or aspects will draw your attention at different times, and how the
geometries seem to spin or open up rather like a kaleidoscope. The personal
mandalas come with a very detailed reading often over 20 pages long.
We are all such unique and complex individuals the way the numbers weave is
always unique and so the readings are written for each individual, not
churned out from a Numerology computer program. The reading gives you an
overview of who you really are, what you're doing here, what your skills,
talents and major challenges and lessons are and how you express this out
into your environment.
By determining the numbers in our birth dates and the numerical values of
the letters in our birth names, we can determine 4 personal numbers that
articulate in great detail our Soul Purpose, Destiny Path, Life Lessons and
Personality. I created the concept of personal mandalas in 1999, using the
unique vibratory blueprint to create and hand-paint personal mandalas that
are used as a meditational focal tools that align one with the pure essence
of who you really are. What Numerology and Sacred Geometry make completely
clear is that understanding of how it can be that we are unique individuals
and yet also aspects of one divine whole, perpetually recreating and
patterning the Universe.

Below is a price-list in US dollars, the generic PayPal currency, you can
pay through PayPal (you don't need a Paypal account as you probably know,
PayPal accepts most credit/debit cards), I will invoice you through PayPal,
and all I need to do a personal mandala and reading is the birth-name on the
birth certificate
and the birthdate, no consultation necessary, so you can order for friends
and family too!

BLUEPRINT4CREATION: The Universal Language of Vibration

US dollar price list INCLUSIVE of Airmail delivery:
Personal Blueprint Hand-Painted Mandalas & Readings:
Acrylic on canvas-textured paper, mounted on board.

1. 7x7” (20cm mounted) hand-painted Mandala & 20+page written chart.
2. 8x8” (23cm mounted)
3. 9x9” (25cm mounted)
4. 10x10” (30cm mounted)
Acrylic on stretched canvas- (stretched on wood frame).
5. 10x10” (25cm) hand-painted Mandala & 20+ written chart. Stretched Canvas.
6. 12x12” (30cm) $255
7. 14x14” (35cm) $315
8. 16x16” (40cm) $375
9. 18x18” (45cm) $480
10. 20x20” (50cm) $595

Larger sizes and prices are available on request.

And to accommodate those who don’t want to wait as long and have a tighter
I am now offering the following, too:

*******New for 2012!*************
To keep up with the increased demand, and to accommodate those who can't
stretch to $95 for a hand-painted
personal mandala + reading, or for those who don't want to wait 8 weeks for
a hand-painted mandala, (my waiting list is very long this year!)
I am now creating personal mandala prints from my collection of hand-painted
number frequency mandalas.
These are high-quality prints, that still look like paintings, with the
reading included in the price:
Personal Blueprint Mandalas & Readings:
High quality print, on cotton-rag paper, mounted on board.
Price INCLUDES shipping:
11. 7x7” (20cm mounted) printed Personal Mandala & 20+ page written chart.
12. 8x8” (23cm mounted)
13. 9x9” (25cm mounted)
14. 10x10” (30cm mounted)
15. 12x12” (35cm)

And as for the name, this is how it works:
When using Pythagorean numerology, the golden rule is to use the
birth-certificate name because the idea is that as soon as the name is
written down, the vibratory coding in the name is anchored to the earth
plane and manifests an energy field that stays with the individual until
they leave the planet at death. This field is in resonance perpetually, even
if we change the name. It is true to say that we or our guides (who are
really other aspects of self) influence the parents (or whoever names the
child) with the given name. When we are off-planet and getting ready to be
birthed into the material realm again, we understand the meaning of
vibration and often we choose a name where the vibratory coding contains
various karmic challenges, experiences and teachings. Often people who have
an aversion to their birth or given name have been particularly ambitious in
their desire for evolution on the earth, and the name they choose holds
those experiences in potential.
When those souls arrive and those challenges are manifested, they often want
to run a mile from them, and subconsciously there is the awareness that the
name holds those challenges, and so they end up hating their name and want
to change it. However, there are always certain exceptions to rules re using
the birth-certificate name, for example in the case of children who are
adopted and have been given a name by their birth-mother which is then
replaced my a name given by the adoptive parents. What I always do is use my
pendulum to ask my higher self which is the correct name to use in each
individual's case, and I always get a very clear answer. Of course, dowsing
can be affected by one's emotional attachment to an answer but in the case
of checking the name to use to obtain the correct vibratory coding of the
individual, I have no attachment, and I receive a very clear and strong

And here’s a little bit more info on the personal mandalas and word
vibration mandalas:

Roz developed the concept of Personal Mandalas in 1999. Using the
Pythagorean system of Numerology which determines a vowel, consonant, whole
name and birth-date vibratory coding, she created a 4-layered mandala that
reflects this coding as a geometrical/colour blueprint which anchors and
characterises the unique identity of the individual. To her knowledge, this
was the first time such a synthesis of numerology and sacred geometry was
initiated to reflect one’s personal vibrational harmonics. To date, this
concept is still unique, worldwide!
Everything in essence is vibration, this is the fundamental understanding of
reality reached by Science and Spirituality alike. Numerology and Sacred
Geometry are two sides of the same coin: number defines the rate and quality
of vibration while Geometry expresses these vibrations as forms. Number also
defines the colours of vibrational frequencies; the different wavelengths of
light, colour and form define the tonality of Sound. Sacred Geometry shows
us that we are all facets of the one diamond of light, and that each facet
is a unique expression of the living light, and has a unique signature tune
that is issued forth in the beginning with the WORD.

Every word has a vibratory coding, a geometric blueprint that evokes its
sound and creation. It is fascinating how the meaning of the number
vibrations informs the perception of the word. Focusing on the geometric
blueprint of words engages one with the essence of the word, bringing that
energy into one's subtle energy field. In the same vein as Dr. Masaru
Emoto's work, where positive words written on bottles of water cause the
water crystals to resonate to their perfected geometric state, these
mandalas reflect the energy of that word into your reality. Selections of
prints are available. Prices from $10.

Number Vibration Mandalas & Readings:
Original paintings: $85 – $575 according to size (similar size/price as
Prints: $10 - $75 (similar size/price increment as above).

Word Vibration Mandalas & Readings:
Original paintings: $85 – $575 according to size (similar size/price as
Prints: $10 - $75 (similar size/price increment as above).

Mantralas & Readings:
Original paintings: $85 – $575 according to size (similar size/price as
Prints: $10 - $75 (similar size/price increment as above).

Chakra Mandalas:
Set of 7 hand-painted originals 5x5” (13cm) Canvas Paper. $200
Set of 7 hand-painted originals 7x7” (18cm) Canvas Paper. $400
5 inch set of 7 chakras PRINTS: $45 inc shipping.
8 inch set of 7 chakras PRINTS: $85 inc shipping.


Thanks again, and I will look forward to your reply.
Go well!
Deci, pentru oricine este interesat , eu spun DA DA DA...merita ! Pana una alta eu o sa fur putina meserie si info in ale mandalelor .  

Numai bine, A


Exista un asa-zis loc central in interiorul sufletului, de care este legat totul, prin care se ordoneaza totul si care in acelasi timp reprezinta o sursa de energie.” ~ C. G. Jung 

Cu acest loc intram in contact atunci cand lucram cu mandale. Avand caracter intuitiv, mandalele actioneaza prin continutul lor simbolic asupra inconstientului. Poate de aceea, multi dintre cei care deseneaza mandale spun despre ele ca sunt “magice”.

 Ele aduc impreuna ceea ce pentru mintea rationala pare de neunit – contrariile isi gasesc loc impreuna iar paradoxurile devin posibile deschizand calea unei noi orientari.